Ariana is a young Peruvian university student in biomedical engineering, who resides in Lima, Perú. She likes animal and plant life, and takes good care of her animals and garden. At the age of 20, she belongs to the Q’umir Llaqta group, which seeks to represent a change in the ecological consciousness of Perú and the world. Ariana is representing her teammates Shirley Cantaro Ramirez, Angie Nicole Ramirez Florian, and Luis Valerio Cerna Ramirez in the PGC Finals.
“We want to raise awareness to stop climate degradation because it is an issue that involves every person on the planet to leave a healthy planet to future generations. There are solutions for the climate crisis; we must seek them, spread them and apply the solutions for a better world.”
Five words to describe the PGC experience:
Immersive, Extraordinary, Educational, Incentive, Wonderful