
Environmental inequities are a significant challenge worldwide.Those who contribute the least to climate change often suffer the most from its effects.

The environmental justice movement aims to create a clean and healthy environment, especially for communities of color that are disproportionately exposed to pollution. Although the environmental justice movement formally took shape in the late 1980s, its roots run deep, drawing inspiration from the civil rights, Indigenous, and labor movements. These combined efforts have laid the foundation for advocating fairness and improved living conditions for all.

We cannot save the planet without uplifting the voices of its people, especially those most often unheard.
Leah Thomas, American environmental activist and author
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Understanding Environmental Injustice

Climate change impacts are not equally distributed, with certain communities facing greater harm due to systemic inequalities. Communities of color often bear the brunt of environmental racism, being exposed to higher levels of pollutants like toxic dust, fumes, ash, and soot. This disparity, known as the “climate gap,” emphasizes the need for equitable climate solutions that address these injustices.

As climate disasters increase, people in developing countries, who are the least responsible for emissions, are being forced to leave their homes. It’s estimated that by 2050, nearly 216 million people will be displaced, becoming climate refugees. These forced migrations add further strain to already vulnerable communities, highlighting the urgent need for global climate justice.

Indigenous Peoples are also at the heart of environmental injustice, as historical and ongoing climate colonialism disregards their rights to land and self-governance. For example, the Maasai people of Tanzania, who have protected their land for generations, have been forcibly removed in the name of conservation. Acknowledging and respecting Indigenous rights is critical for ensuring fair and effective environmental protection.

Similarly, people with disabilities are often excluded from environmental policy discussions. Eco-ableism, the discrimination they face through an environmental lens, can turn sustainable practices—like promoting public transportation or banning single-use straws—into additional challenges. To build a truly inclusive environmental movement, it’s essential to uplift the voices of those with disabilities and ensure their needs are considered in climate solutions.

By addressing these intersecting issues, we can create a more just and inclusive approach to combating climate change.

The Power of Youth in the Fight for Environmental Justice

Young people have become some of the most vocal and effective advocates for change, particularly in communities hardest hit by environmental injustice. Their passion, innovation, and determination have led to landmark victories that directly challenge harmful environmental policies. 

Recent legal wins by youth climate activists in Hawaii and Montana highlight how the next generation is at the forefront of creating a more just and sustainable future.

These cases demonstrate the power of legal action as a crucial tool for environmental justice. Youth-led movements not only drive policy reform but also raise public awareness, often drawing media attention that inspires others to take action. By using the courts to challenge harmful policies, young people are holding institutions accountable and pushing for systemic change.

These victories not only set important precedents but also underscore the effectiveness of organized youth mobilization. They inspire similar efforts in other regions and contribute to broader policy reforms. As climate challenges grow, these cases offer a strong blueprint for future advocacy, encouraging youth to engage in environmental groups, collaborate with legal experts and activists, and continue raising awareness of the issues at hand.

On a global scale, these legal victories contribute to the international movement for climate justice. As the spotlight on these efforts expands, they serve as a call to action for young changemakers worldwide to leverage advocacy and legal action to advance environmental protection and social justice.

Taking Action Against Environmental Injustice

Now, more than ever, it’s essential to stand unapologetically for climate and social justice in every aspect of our lives. Champion businesses and organizations that prioritize these values, like the Captain Planet Foundation and Patagonia Provisions, and actively support their missions. For those eager to take action, Earth Guardians provides invaluable resources to empower youth and other changemakers to lead the fight today.

As the impacts of climate change intensify, we must double down on our commitment to fostering a diverse, inclusive movement. Together, we can amplify our voices and drive lasting, transformative change for the planet and all its people.


The Story of Stuff Project
The Story of Stuff Project


Expand Your Awareness

By understanding the critical connections between climate change, social justice, and environmental inequality, you can help create a future where everyone benefits from a healthy planet. Explore these resources to deepen your knowledge and inspire meaningful action.





To effectively advance the environmental movement, we must first acknowledge the critical intersections between social justice and environmental issues.



    1. Watch & Read:
      • Watch this video about the intersections between climate justice, inequality, and the role of activists in advocating for vulnerable communities. 
      • Read this UN blog post to deepen your understanding of climate justice and the importance of addressing the disproportionate impact of climate change on marginalized communities
    2. Create Your Call to Action: Develop a creative call to action focused on one or more climate justice issues you’ve learned about. This could be an Instagram Story, an infographic, or another innovative idea that communicates the urgency of climate justice.
    3. Post on Instagram:
      • Share your creation on Instagram.
      • Tag @TurningGreenOrg, @CaptainPlanetFdn, and @EarthGuardians in both the image and caption.
      • Use the hashtag #PGC2024 to join the conversation.
    4. Engage Your Network: Encourage at least three friends to re-share your post or share their thoughts in the comments. Amplify the message by sparking a discussion!
    5. Reflect & Repeat: Reflect on the impact of your post and consider creating more content to keep the conversation going throughout the challenge.


  1. Create a PDF: Combine your deliverables and a screenshot of your social media post into a single PDF. Ensure your name (or team name), username, and school are included.
  2. File Naming: Save your PDF as firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf 
    e.g.: kasie_jones_day7_green_2024.pdf
    Avoid using symbols (including #) or spaces in the file name.
  3. File Size: Ensure the file size does not exceed 5 MB.
  4. Submit: Upload your PDF. A green confirmation message will appear if your submission is successful. If you don’t see this, please try again.
  5. Points: If your total points don’t update, your submission may not have uploaded correctly—please retry.
  6. Score: Points can be checked by going to Edit Profile on the bottom navigation bar. Your score is at the top of the page.
  7. Questions: Direct any inquiries to
  8. Social Media: Share your challenge activities on social media, tagging us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and using #PGC2024.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




How can you apply what you learned in the GREEN challenge to address environmental injustice on your campus or in your community?



  1. Reflect on Your Surroundings: Consider where you live and the impacts of climate change on your community. Identify one environmental injustice issue that concerns you and that you’d like to learn more about.
  2. Use Mapping Tools:
    • If you’re in the U.S., use EJScreen to explore the environmental justice indexes for your location.
    • If you’re outside the U.S., use the EJ Atlas to find examples of environmental injustice in your region.
  3. Analyze the Issue: Answer the following questions to better understand the issue:
    • What is the specific environmental injustice you identified?
    • Who is being impacted the most?
    • How close is this injustice to where you live?
    • Is any local government or organization working to address it?
    • If you were responsible for creating a solution, how would you approach it? Use the environmental justice principles as a guide.
  4. Take Action & Spread Awareness: Craft a compelling message that outlines the issue and your solution. Share it with local leaders and relevant organizations to raise awareness and encourage them to take action on climate and social justice.
  5. Earn Extra Points: If you receive a personal response from up to three leaders (via text, social media, or email), you’ll earn an additional 50 points. Send a screenshot of their responses to by October 15, 2024.
  6. Post Your Creation: Share your call to action on Instagram, tagging @TurningGreenOrg, @CaptainPlanetFdn, @EarthGuardians, and any other relevant organizations in both the image and caption. Use the hashtag #PGC2024 to join the conversation.


  1. Create a PDF: Combine your deliverables and a screenshot of your social media post into a single PDF. Ensure your name (or team name), username, and school are included.
  2. File Naming: Save your PDF as firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf
    e.g.: kasie_jones_day7_greener_2024.pdf
    Avoid using symbols (including #) or spaces in the file name.
  3. File Size: Ensure the file size does not exceed 5 MB.
  4. Submit: Upload your PDF. A green confirmation message will appear if your submission is successful. If you don’t see this, please try again.
  5. Points: If your total points don’t update, your submission may not have uploaded correctly—please retry.
  6. Score: Points can be checked by going to Edit Profile on the bottom navigation bar. Your score is at the top of the page.
  7. Questions: Direct any inquiries to
  8. Social Media: Share your challenge activities on social media, tagging us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and using #PGC2024.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.



Greenest due on October 14 @ 6am PT.
Up to 100 additional points will be awarded for outstanding work.


Extraordinary individuals are using their voices, wisdom, and resources to propel movements, creating a massive ripple effect against all odds. 



  1. Watch & Learn:
    • Watch the 2024 Goldman Prize and be inspired by grassroots environmental heroes who are making a difference, often at great personal risk.
    • Check out the 2023 Brower Youth Awards to learn about emerging youth leaders in the environmental movement.
  2. Choose a Changemaker: Pick one recipient from the Goldman Prize or Brower Youth Awards who inspires you the most. Picture yourself as a journalist writing a feature story about this remarkable individual.
  3. Draft Your Article: Write a feature article highlighting their accomplishments and explaining why they inspire you. Be sure to include:
    • A captivating headline.
    • The who, what, when, where, why, and how of their story.
    • What inspired you about their actions and achievements.
    • Your personal take away from their journey and its impact on you.
  4. Write to Your Hero: Draft a letter to the changemaker with three questions you would like to ask them.
  5. Earn Extra Points: If you send your letter to the hero and receive a response to your questions, you’ll earn an extra 100 points. Forward their reply to by October 21, 2024, to claim your bonus points.


  1. Create a PDF: Combine your deliverables and a screenshot of your social media post into a single PDF. Ensure your name (or team name), username, and school are included.
  2. File Naming: Save your PDF as firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf
    e.g.: kasie_jones_day7_greenest_2024.pdf
    Avoid using symbols (including #) or spaces in the file name.
  3. File Size: Ensure the file size does not exceed 5 MB.
  4. Submit: Upload your PDF. A green confirmation message will appear if your submission is successful. If you don’t see this, please try again.
  5. Points: If your total points don’t update, your submission may not have uploaded correctly—please retry.
  6. Score: Points can be checked by going to Edit Profile on the bottom navigation bar. Your score is at the top of the page.
  7. Questions: Direct any inquiries to
  8. Social Media: Share your challenge activities on social media, tagging us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and using #PGC2024.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.


Up to 10 Greener and 10 Greenest outstanding submissions will be selected as winners.

  • A selection of products from Dr Bronner’s, a family-owned Certified B Corp committed to socially and environmentally responsible practices using the purest organic and fair trade ingredients. Sustainable practices include regenerative organic farming projects—soil enrichment and tree-planting programs—100% post-consumer recycled packaging—aggressive waste and water-use reduction.  
  • A selection of products from Dr Bronner’s, a family-owned Certified B Corp committed to socially and environmentally responsible practices using the purest organic and fair trade ingredients. Sustainable practices include regenerative organic farming projects—soil enrichment and tree-planting programs—100% post-consumer recycled packaging—aggressive waste and water-use reduction.  
  • A copy of the book The Intersectionalist Environmentalist by Leah Thomas. This book examines the awareness of the fundamental truth that we cannot save the planet without uplifting the voices of its people – especially those most often unheard. Leah Thomas shows how not only are Black, Indigenous and people of color unequally and unfairly impacted by environmental injustices, but she argues that the fight for the planet lies in tandem to the fight for civil rights; and in fact, that one cannot exist without the other.