Day 1


What do you see when you imagine a better world?

Welcome to Project Green Challenge 2024

We are so happy that you are here! Before we begin, take a moment to reflect on your purpose: Why are you participating in Project Green Challenge? What kind of world do you imagine creating with your actions? How can your imagination drive the change you wish to see?

Throughout this month, you will explore a range of environmental topics. Let your  curiosity and imagination guide you, pushing your ideas to new heights. Today, October 1, marks the beginning of a powerful journey — one where we will learn, envision change, and take action for a just and sustainable future. 

By joining this challenge, you are already demonstrating leadership and commitment to making a difference. We are excited to embark on this journey with you, alongside fellow students and our dedicated team, who will support you every step of the way.

Together, let’s imagine and create a better future!

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.

Albert Einstein, American Physicist, Nobel prize winner
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Imagine the Future You Will Shape

What drives you to protect our planet? Imagine a world where your actions have made a lasting, positive impact. What does that world look like? How did you get there?

We understand that living through the significant impacts of climate change can be overwhelming. If you have felt uncertain about how to make a difference, you are not alone. Over 60 percent of young adults worldwide have experienced eco-anxiety — anxiety about the survival of our planet. 

This is where Project Green Challenge (PGC) steps in!

Throughout this journey, you will reflect on your life and imagine how we can build a better future together. We are here to empower you to turn your passion into action. Remember, it is okay to take it one step at a time. Use this platform to learn, challenge yourself, imagine new possibilities, step outside your comfort zone, and connect with others to make a collective impact.

United for a Better Future

We are proud to partner with organizations that believe in the power of young people. Each day, you will be introduced to our partners.Today’s corporate partner, Acure, champions healthier, more sustainable living with products made from ingredients that are safer for both people and planet. Our nonprofit partner  Project Drawdown, is a leading resource for climate solutions with a mission to help the world stop climate change—as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.   

Your journey begins here! Think big, dream boldly, and release your imagination!


The Story of Stuff Project


Resources to Imagine the Future You Will Shape

As you begin this challenge, take a moment to reflect on the world you want to help create. Empower yourself with knowledge and inspiration, and envision the change you can bring to life through your efforts. Let these resources spark bold possibilities and inspire meaningful action.




Welcome to your first challenge of PGC 2024! Complete the Green, Greener, and Greenest challenges today to earn DOUBLE points as a first-day bonus. 


PGC centers around transformation — a journey that begins with understanding where you are right now. By the end of this month, you will be able to reflect on the growth and change you have achieved.


  1. Start with Awareness: Watch the video We WILL Fix Climate Change Identify and share three facts that surprised you.
  2. Assess Your Starting Point: Complete the PGC Entry Survey. You will take the same survey at the end of the 30 days to measure your growth. Remember, there are no right or wrong answer


  1. Create a PDF: Combine your responses and a screenshot of your completed entry survey into a single PDF. Include your name (or team name), username, and school on your PDF.
  2. File Naming: Save your PDF as firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf
    e.g., kasie_jones_day1_green_2024.pdf
    Avoid using symbols (including #) or spaces in the file name.
  3. File Size: Ensure the file size does not exceed 5 MB.
  4. Submit: Upload your PDF. A green confirmation message will appear if your submission is successful. If you don’t see this, please try again.
  5. Points: If your total points don’t update, your submission may not have uploaded correctly—please retry. 
  6. Score: Points can be checked by going to Edit Profile on the bottom navigation bar. Your score is at the top of the page.
  7. Questions: Direct any inquiries to
  8. Social Media: Share your challenge activities on social media, tagging us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and using #PGC2024.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




Later this year, from November 30 to December 12, 2024, hundreds of world leaders will convene in Abu Dhabi at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29) to present their climate commitments on the global stage. Now, it’s your turn to step up. Project Green Challenge gives you the platform to amplify your voice, because addressing the climate crisis demands collective action — we can’t afford to wait for others to lead.


 Welcome to the PGC 2024 digital community!

  1. Step into Nature: Post a photo of yourself outdoors on Instagram (and other platforms if you’d like). 
  2. Share Your Why: In your caption, explain why you’re participating in PGC.
  3. Connect with the Community: Tag @TurningGreenOrg in both the image and caption, and use the hashtag #PGC2024. 
  4. Amplify Your Impact: This social media activity will run all month to spread knowledge and expand the impact beyond PGC participants. Ensure at least one of your Instagram accounts is public. Cross-posting on multiple platforms is encouraged — just remember to use the correct tags!


  1. Create a PDF: Combine your photo, caption and a screenshot of your social media post into a single PDF. Include your name (or team name), username, and school on your PDF.
  2. File Naming: Save your PDF as firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf
    e.g., kasie_jones_day1_greener_2024.pdf
    Avoid using symbols (including #) or spaces in the file name.
  3. File Size: Ensure the file size does not exceed 5 MB.
  4. Submit: Upload your PDF. A green confirmation message will appear if your submission is successful. If you don’t see this, please try again.
  5. Points: If your total points don’t update, your submission may not have uploaded correctly—please retry. 
  6. Score: Points can be checked by going to Edit Profile on the bottom navigation bar. Your score is at the top of the page.
  7. Questions: Direct any inquiries to
  8. Social Media: Share your challenge activities on social media, tagging us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and using #PGC2024.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.



120 bonus points are included in this total for participants who complete all three levels of Day 1.



We believe in the power of one. Every bold change starts with one idea, one person, one action, one spark. While the state of our planet can feel overwhelming, remember that your voice is a powerful tool for transformation.



  1. Visualize the world you Imagine: Express why you are embarking on this PGC journey by creating a one-minute video, song, poem, drawing, or any other creative outlet that resonates with you. Be imaginative and have fun! Aim to create something that resonates, inspires, and is shareable — think about content that goes viral on social media. 
  2. Share Your Creation: Post your piece on Instagram with a brief caption. Tag @TurningGreenOrg in both the image and caption, and use the hashtag #PGC2024.


  1. Create a PDF: Combine your creative piece, or a link to your video or song (make sure it is public), your caption and a screenshot of your social media post into a single PDF. Include your name (or team name), username, and school on your PDF.
  2. File Naming: Save your PDF as firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf
    Avoid using symbols (including #) or spaces in the file name.
  3. File Size: Ensure the file size does not exceed 5 MB.
  4. Submit: Upload your PDF. A green confirmation message will appear if your submission is successful. If you don’t see this, please try again.
  5. Points: If your total points don’t update, your submission may not have uploaded correctly—please retry. 
  6. Score: Points can be checked by going to Edit Profile on the bottom navigation bar. Your score is at the top of the page.
  7. Questions: Direct any inquiries to
  8. Social Media: Share your challenge activities on social media, tagging us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and using #PGC2024.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.


Up to 10 Greener and 10 Greenest outstanding submissions will be selected as winners.


Each Greener Winner will receive: 

  • A selection of clean skincare, haircare and body care products from our partners at Acure. They have one simple mission: to make clean beauty products accessible. Through ongoing product development and rigorous clinical trials, Acure has developed products that are powerful for the skin and the planet. Pioneers with a purpose!


Each Greenest Winner will receive:

  • A selection of clean skincare, haircare and body care products from our partners at Acure. They have one simple mission: to make clean beauty products accessible. Through ongoing product development and rigorous clinical trials, Acure has developed products that are powerful for the skin and the planet. Pioneers with a purpose! 
  • A copy of the book Drawdown from Project Drawdown. Climate solutions to begin to reverse the buildup of atmospheric carbon.