Day 29


How have your actions and mindset shifted over the course of Project Green Challenge?


Can you believe that there is only one day left of your 30-day Project Green Challenge experience? You will soon be at the start of your next phase as a mobilized agent of change. Over the past month, you have transitioned from conventional to conscious — and through your work, shifting the mindsets and habits of friends, family,  and communities by championing a lens of sustainability, justice, ethics, intention, and positivity. Your individual and collective explorations, discoveries, and advocacy have been extraordinary to witness. We now want to hear your story!

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Before you dive into today’s Challenge, here are all of the remaining materials due tomorrow (October 30) and Tuesday (October 31), so that you have it clearly in one place. Note that if you intend to apply for the finals, you must complete all four levels of this Day 29 Challenge: Green, Greener, Greenest and Extra Credit. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team at

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

-Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist


Monday, 10/30 by 6am PT Tuesday, 10/31 by 6am PT
Day 29 Green Day 30 Green
Day 29 Greener Day 30 Greener
Day 29 Greenest Day 30 Greenest
  Day 29 Extra Credit






Think about your pre-PGC self, the you of less than a mere month ago. Now think about who you are today. How have your perceptions of the world shifted? Are you making different choices? In what ways have you engaged those around you? Have you changed? If so, please share!


We want you to assess how far you’ve come on your PGC journey. On Day 1, you took the PGC Entry Survey. Today, we ask you to take the PGC Exit Survey to measure the impact that 30 days of newfound wisdom, education, inspiration and action can have on one individual. We look forward to seeing your responses!  

Post on Instagram about the most significant change you see in yourself as a result of PGC. Use any medium or visuals you wish. Tag @TurningGreenOrg and #PGC2023.


Upload your reflection and confirmation of the exit survey in a PDF document including a screenshot of your social post. Include your name (or team name), username, and school on your upload.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents.
  • Include the following content for your submission in one document:
    • Your answers to all questions asked in the challenge 
    • An image of any work that you’ve created 
    • A clear photo of each page of your Instagram post 
    • A link to your Instagram post 
    • Your name or team name, username, and the school you attend.
  • If you choose to answer a challenge question in the caption section of your Instagram post, we ask that you submit the written response separately in the PDF submission as either a separate document or a screenshot of the caption. 
  • Save file names using the following format:
    • firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_jones_day29_green_2023.pdf) 
  • Do not include symbols (including #) or spaces in file names.
  • Do not upload a file larger than 5 MB.
  • You will see a confirmation in green that your submission was uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again.
  • You can see your points by going to the edit profile tab on the bottom navigation bar. Your points are at the top of the page.
  • If your point total does not change, your submission did not upload correctly; please try again.
  • Send any questions to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your responses on social media and tag us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and use #PGC2023.



The Greener, Greenest and Extra Credit challenges are intended and required for students applying for the PGC 2023 Finals. In order to be considered, you also must agree to these Rules.


We are very proud to have gotten to know you over the course of Project Green Challenge. And we now invite you to introduce us to the conscious you!


Provide us with two high-resolution photos of yourself that you love (one headshot against a beautiful outdoor backdrop and one head-to-toe shot), a biography written in third person, PGC Portfolio, and a cover letter (details below). Upload all assets through This Form.

Bio: You can view examples from our team Here.

PGC Portfolio: Select the 5 Project Green Challenge submissions of which you are most proud of and that best depict the impact of your 30-day experience.   

Cover letter: In less than one page, share with us why you selected these submissions and anything you feel we should know about you and your PGC experience, as we consider Finalists.


Upload a PDF document with your visual, written, or auditory piece. Include your name (or team name), username, and school on your upload to be eligible to win.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents.
  • Include the following content for your submission in one document:
    • Your answers to all questions asked in the challenge 
    • An image of any work that you’ve created 
    • A clear photo of each page of your Instagram post 
    • A link to your Instagram post 
    • Your name or team name, username, and the school you attend.
  • If you choose to answer a challenge question in the caption section of your Instagram post, we ask that you submit the written response separately in the PDF submission as either a separate document or a screenshot of the caption. 
  • Save file names using the following format:
    • firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_jones_day29_greener_2023.pdf) 
  • Do not include symbols (including #) or spaces in file names.
  • Do not upload a file larger than 5 MB.
  • You will see a confirmation in green that your submission was uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again.
  • You can see your points by going to the edit profile tab on the bottom navigation bar. Your points are at the top of the page.
  • If your point total does not change, your submission did not upload correctly; please try again.
  • Send any questions to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your responses on social media and tag us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and use #PGC2023.




There is much more to come for you as an activist and, if you wish, with Turning Green. Our team and organization are with you every step of the way — today, and into the future. You are now and evermore a member of the global TG family!


Complete the PGC 2023 Final Exam, a series of questions that are key to your PGC Finals Application. Please respond with thought and intention.


Upload a PDF document telling us you have submitted your Final Exam. Include your name (or team name), username, and school.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents.
  • Include the following content for your submission in one document:
    • Your answers to all questions asked in the challenge 
    • An image of any work that you’ve created 
    • A clear photo of each page of your Instagram post 
    • A link to your Instagram post 
    • Your name or team name, username, and the school you attend.
  • If you choose to answer a challenge question in the caption section of your Instagram post, we ask that you submit the written response separately in the PDF submission as either a separate document or a screenshot of the caption. 
  • Save file names using the following format:
    • firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_jones_day29_greenest_2023.pdf) 
  • Do not include symbols (including #) or spaces in file names.
  • Do not upload a file larger than 5 MB.
  • You will see a confirmation in green that your submission was uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again.
  • You can see your points by going to the edit profile tab on the bottom navigation bar. Your points are at the top of the page.
  • If your point total does not change, your submission did not upload correctly; please try again.
  • Send any questions to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your responses on social media and tag us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and use #PGC2023.

Extra Credit


Extra Credit is due on October 31 at 6am PT.
Up to 500 points will be awarded for outstanding work.



How have you changed throughout PGC? What are the most memorable things you have discovered? Which learnings will stay with you? What have you discovered are your superpowers? How do you plan to change the world?


Make a well-constructed, in-depth video, story map or other creative piece that shares the heart of your PGC story. We want to feel the power and impact of these 30 days on you. Share how the PGC experience  will inform your future plans to effect change. If you choose to make a video, it can be no longer than 3 minutes.

You have until 6am PT on Monday, October 31 to complete and upload your journey. If you make a video, upload it to YouTube and provide the link. If you use another medium (of your choice), upload it as a PDF. Points will be given for storytelling that is creative, engaging and moving. Be brilliant and let us feel your passion!

Post part of your video or creative piece on Instagram, tagging @TurningGreenOrg and #PGC2023 with a brief caption.


Upload your responses in a PDF document with a link to your video or your creative piece, and a screenshot of your social media post. Include your name (or team name), username, and school.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents.
  • Include the following content for your submission in one document:
    • Your answers to all questions asked in the challenge 
    • An image of any work that you’ve created 
    • A clear photo of each page of your Instagram post 
    • A link to your Instagram post 
    • Your name or team name, username, and the school you attend.
  • If you choose to answer a challenge question in the caption section of your Instagram post, we ask that you submit the written response separately in the PDF submission as either a separate document or a screenshot of the caption. 
  • Save file names using the following format:
    • firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_jones_day29_extracredit_2023.pdf) 
  • Do not include symbols (including #) or spaces in file names.
  • Do not upload a file larger than 5 MB.
  • You will see a confirmation in green that your submission was uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again.
  • You can see your points by going to the edit profile tab on the bottom navigation bar. Your points are at the top of the page.
  • If your point total does not change, your submission did not upload correctly; please try again.
  • Send any questions to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your responses on social media and tag us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and use #PGC2023.