Team Green Power

Freshman, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab
Yucatán, México


Natalia is passionate about nature and loves to collaborate with others. She is originally from Guatemala and currently studies Environmental Engineering at the Anáhuac Mayab University in Mérida, México, due to her desire to make change in the management of resources by industries and people. In Guatemala, the application of effective measures and laws on the subject has only just begun, and there is no public policy to make people aware of the subject. She attended high school at the Vista Hermosa Bilingual School in Guatemala and her sophomore year, she carried out an intercultural exchange for two months in Indiana, USA. During that time, she was able to learn about and share with another culture, one where environmental norms are already established and people express their environmental ethics, however consumption habits increase societal environmental impact. Natalia loves children; during the pandemic, she tutored two children for ten months, testing her creative skills. Natalia believes that the future of sustainability begins by sowing the idea through education. During her participation in Project Green Challenge, she learned the importance of good communication with her team, despite the difficulties of the pandemic, and discovered that through small actions, big change can be created.

What five words best describe your PGC experience
Innovation, Creativity, Responsibility, Team Work

“I have learned the huge impact my actions have on pollution, climate change, fair work and trade in my immediate and global community. Not everyone has the same opportunities as us, and we must seek climate and social justice with our actions and activism.”