Ruthie recently earned her PhD in Geography from the University of Minnesota, where she was also a Population Studies Trainee in the Minnesota Population Center. Her research examines population-environment interactions, with a specific focus on the effects of climate conditions on undernutrition in low-resource settings. Prior to receiving her PhD, she was a master’s student at Johns Hopkins University, where she also worked as a researcher on food systems at the Center for a Liveable Future. She is currently a research contractor with Project Drawdown, a nonprofit committed to advancing science-based climate solutions to stop climate change. She is passionate about interdisciplinary, inclusive science addressing effects of climate change on health and wellbeing. Ruthie was a PGC finalist in 2012 and has since supported Turning Green as a challenge reader, ambassador, and mentor.

Ruthie Burrows
Research Contractor, Project Drawdown
PGC 2012 Finalist
PGC 2012 Finalist