Megan Fuerst is a senior at The Ohio State University, graduating in the spring with a degree in “Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability” and a specialization in Policy Analysis. Her interest in the environment was seeded at a young age, coming from a more rural setting in a small Midwestern town, but her passion for sustainability was not ignited until participating in Project Green Challenge her freshman year of college. Since then, Megan has worked at the Turning Green headquarters in Sausalito as an intern for the past two summers and has become the President of TG’s Student Advisory Board. Megan hopes to use her degree to help influence environmentally sustainable and socially responsible policy decisions in government. Specifically, Megan would like to use her education to help re-legalize industrial hemp, a miracle crop that she believes can solve a wide range of environmental problems, from soil nutrients to energy sources. Megan would like to own a hemp farm one day, perhaps in the Midwest to help this region become more progressive.
Student Advisory Board President
Turning Green
Turning Green