Jack Yu

Senior, Team Penguin, Polar Bear and Turtle, Hamden Hall Country Day School, Hamden, Connecticut, USA

Yuanzheng (Jack) Yu, a senior at Hamden Hall Country Day School in Connecticut and part of PGC Team Penguin, Polar Bear and Turtle, is passionate about data science and climate change. As the founder of the Carbon Footprint Club, he encourages his peers to consider their environmental impact. Jack and his friends developed CarbonTrackApp.com, a platform where users can log their carbon-reducing actions, earning credits that can be used for rewards and competitions. He believes that creating positive feedback for carbon reducing actions will foster sustainable habits.

What are five words that describe your PGC experience?
Teamwork, Surmount, Connect, Share, and Reflect.

What was the most memorable aspect of PGC 2024 for you?
PGC left me with the most memorable aspect is the richness and comprehensiveness of the resources in each day’s challenge. One of the most memorable moments for me was the 3D nude eye exploration of the magnificent expansive forests of Alberta, Canada under the greener title of Day 11’s challenge on forests. Without this challenge, I would never have been able to sit at home and explore and appreciate the evolution of the forest and learn about how indigenous people do their best to help face the forests on which they depend. It made me even more determined to create more green spaces in our neighborhoods that can be enjoyed and balance air pollution.