Azure Kordick

Senior, University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida, USA

Azure is a native of sunny South Florida and is currently pursuing her academic journey at the University of Central Florida. She is majoring in Event Management with a minor in Public Administration and Leadership, showcasing her dedication to effective organization and community engagement. Her passion for crafting, music, and environmental sustainability reflects her diverse talents and commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

What are five words that describe your PGC experience?
Innovating, Challenging, Thought-Provoking, Rewarding, and Engaging. 

Think about your pre-PGC self, just 30 days ago, and then think about you, today. Have you changed?
Just 30 days ago, I was a person full of ambition but lacking the direction and the platform to channel my passion for environmental sustainability effectively. Today, I stand transformed and enlightened by the remarkable journey of Project Green Challenge. This experience has unveiled layers of my potential I never fully realized.

Climate Action Project: EcoFlow

Azure’s Climate Action ProjectEcoFlow” is an educational initiative focused on partnering with schools to cultivate environmental awareness. Driven by a commitment to foster transformative action, particularly in sustainable living and water conservation, EcoFlow employs advocacy and mobilization strategies to broaden its community impact. Through activities like petitions and tabling events, it raises awareness and garners support for environmental causes across the city of Orlando, Florida.

PGC Finals Part 1 CAP Video: here

PGC Finals Part 2 CAP Video: here