Aiden has a passion for the outdoors, engineering, and composting. As a member of his school’s eco club, Aiden is constantly seeking opportunities to reduce waste and educate his peers on environmental topics. Prior to taking part in Project Green Challenge, he established vermicomposting bins at a local middle school as part of his Eagle Scout project to promote environmental education in his community. Project Green Challenge was his opportunity to educate himself on a variety of environmental topics and learn how to make a difference.
What are five words that describe your PGC experience?
Fascinating, Educational, Challenging, Inspiring, and Transformative.
What was the most memorable aspect of PGC 2023 for you?
Completing Project Green Challenge will leave me with lots of precious memories. Moments such as singing my heart out in the garage, writing a poem about the cost of fashion, showing my friends my produce pal, Eddie, painting a rock orchid with traditional Korean techniques, (I could go on and on) will be forever etched in my mind. Thank you.
Climate Action Project: Vermiculture in Action
Aiden’s Climate Action Project, “Vermiculture in Action”, introduces vermicomposting to his high school through the installation of a vermicomposting bin in the school garden. He oversees weekly maintenance to ensure the well-being of composting worms. Additionally, Aiden conducts experiments with various materials to refine and optimize composting bin construction. His goal is to develop a streamlined process for creating vermicomposting bins, enabling expansion of this initiative to more schools.
PGC Finals Part 1 CAP Video: here
PGC Finals Part 2 CAP Video: here