Aftab is a dedicated and ambitious individual. Her commitment to sustainability is evident in her unwavering dedication to promoting eco-friendly practices. She firmly believes in the importance of education and raising awareness about sustainable living, as well as the preservation of nature and the health of our oceans and soil. As an active participant in the Project Green Challenge, Aftab has undergone a transformative journey and for the first time became aware of her ecological impact. Through involvement in the program, she has gained valuable knowledge about sustainable practices and wholeheartedly embraced the principles of green life. PGC has further empowered Aftab to become an advocate for a greener future, as she actively seeks ways to reduce her own ecological footprint and encourages others to do the same. Aftab has set her sights on becoming an aerospace engineer, driven by her passion for helping people and preserving the planet.
What are five words that describe your PGC experience?
Empowering, Impactful, Inspiring, Educational, and Transformative.
What was the most memorable aspect of PGC 2023 for you?
The most memorable aspect of PGC 2023 for me was the opportunity to share what I have learned with my friends and be active in spreading awareness through making videos. The challenge not only provided me with knowledge and motivation to make sustainable choices, but it also empowered me to become an advocate for the environment.