My name is Hansel Alexander Carter IV. I was born in Queens¨New York and lived there for a greater part of my childhood with two sisters and my mother. Afterwards ,I have moved to places like Virginia, Florida, New Delhi, India, and Cairo, Egypt. I am currently attending Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. (A very big change in weather.) I am a student leader on campus as an Resident Assistant, Eco Rep and lead two clubs the International Community Club and CHAMP. I enjoy cross country track and field wrestling and strive to be a global citizen and hope to bring my experiences to this gathering.
Passionate. Motivated. Justice. Educated. Powerful.
The most memorable aspect of PGC 2018 was definitely the Water Insecurity presentation I showed to my colleges Eco-Rep team! This was for the Justice Challenge. I went all-in for this project in researching new data and statistics about water scarcity and insecurity not just in the United States but globally as well. I wanted to break out of the local aspect and really ingrain in my team members how common and dire this issue was in other parts of the world. This was mostly memorable due to the responses I got back from my team and how they examined these issues from their own backgrounds. I was very excited and satisfied to hear how they engaged with the information that was presented to them. I found this challenge to be the perfect opportunity to share what I have experienced in these countries myself and share a part of who I am and why I am so passionate about these subjects.
When I started this challenge, I can definitely say I would not have called myself an activist or involved in any social justice work. I was and still am passionate about certain topics but it was not to the point that I would go out of my way to do something about those issues. After taking this challenge, I learned just how much I can do to change the issues I encounter in my community. Problems that may seem impossible to solve such as getting a business to stop using plastic straws can be as simple as having a conversation with them about their effect on the environment, cost, and logical issues that may arise with change. I’ve also began to be more connected with social issues not just in my community but around the world. I find myself more and more bringing topics into daily conversation whether its something as small as telling a friend a styrofoam cup is horrible for the environment or bringing up examples of water scarcity and poverty in India in my Global Condition class when relative to the conversation. I learned I can be more involved and active in my community and that the small steps I take towards achieving goals like these go a long way!
After gaining all of this information, I will use my skills as a presenter, marketer, and speaker to share what I’ve learned from this challenge. I will introduce topics and themes in ways that engage the audience whether through presentations, lectures, or activities! If there’s anything this challenge has taught me, it is how to be creative with presentation. This is crucial in today’s constantly moving world. Engagement and involvement proves effectiveness and creativity keeps people actively listening throughout. Once you have garnered attention, change is one step closer.