Day 30


What are you most proud of and looking forward to on your changemaker journey?


Congratulations! Your 30-day Project Green Challenge journey has come to a close, but this is only the beginning of your life as a powerful activist and leader around climate and social justice. Our entire Turning Green team and global network of partners are deeply inspired by your creativity, innovation, dedication, and passion to work toward a healthy, just, resilient future! An educated, empowered, and mobilized next-generation of leaders is accomplishing more than you could have imagined at the start of PGC on October 1st. — and that provides us hope, as we chart a collective path forward!

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There is so much for all of you to be proud of throughout PGC! We look forward to the opportunities for impact, collaboration, and change-making that lie ahead!

“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”

― Mahatma Gandhi, lawyer and activist






Think about and celebrate all that you have accomplished, learned, and acted upon. Realize the bold changemaker you have become through Project Green Challenge!


Take out a scrap piece of paper or upcycled cardboard and write “Project Green Challenge is _____.” Finish that phrase succinctly to capture your PGC experience in a powerful, meaningful, concise word or few words. Take a selfie or have someone take a photo of you proudly holding up your handmade sign.

Post it on Instagram tagging @TurningGreenOrg and #PGC2023! 


Upload your responses in a PDF document including a screenshot of your social post. Include your name (or team name), username, and school on your upload.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents.
  • Include the following content for your submission in one document:
    • Your answers to all questions asked in the challenge 
    • An image of any work that you’ve created 
    • A clear photo of each page of your Instagram post 
    • A link to your Instagram post 
    • Your name or team name, username, and the school you attend.
  • If you choose to answer a challenge question in the caption section of your Instagram post, we ask that you submit the written response separately in the PDF submission as either a separate document or a screenshot of the caption. 
  • Save file names using the following format:
    • firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_jones_day30_green_2023.pdf) 
  • Do not include symbols (including #) or spaces in file names.
  • Do not upload a file larger than 5 MB.
  • You will see a confirmation in green that your submission was uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again.
  • You can see your points by going to the edit profile tab on the bottom navigation bar. Your points are at the top of the page.
  • If your point total does not change, your submission did not upload correctly; please try again.
  • Send any questions to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your responses on social media and tag us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and use #PGC2023.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




Today is the day to say, “I did it”. You set out on Project Green Challenge in early October — and you have reached the culmination of that journey! That’s a huge feat.


What personal shift/s have you achieved this past month that you never thought possible? What parts of you has PGC awoken? Where will you take that from here? Use these questions as a prompt for a maximum 300 word response.

Post about it on Instagram tagging @TurningGreenOrg and #PGC2023!


Upload your response in a PDF document including a screenshot of your social media post. Include your name (or team name), username, and school.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents.
  • Include the following content for your submission in one document:
    • Your answers to all questions asked in the challenge 
    • An image of any work that you’ve created 
    • A clear photo of each page of your Instagram post 
    • A link to your Instagram post 
    • Your name or team name, username, and the school you attend.
  • If you choose to answer a challenge question in the caption section of your Instagram post, we ask that you submit the written response separately in the PDF submission as either a separate document or a screenshot of the caption. 
  • Save file names using the following format:
    • firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_jones_day30_greener_2023.pdf) 
  • Do not include symbols (including #) or spaces in file names.
  • Do not upload a file larger than 5 MB.
  • You will see a confirmation in green that your submission was uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again.
  • You can see your points by going to the edit profile tab on the bottom navigation bar. Your points are at the top of the page.
  • If your point total does not change, your submission did not upload correctly; please try again.
  • Send any questions to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your responses on social media and tag us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and use #PGC2023.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.




Breath. Smile. And dance!


For your final challenge, choreograph a PGC dance… just because! Celebrate all you have accomplished this month, let loose, and energize us all! (invite friends to join you if you would like!) 

Post it on Instagram, and if you have a TikTok as well. Don’t forget to tag @TurningGreenOrg and use #PGC2023, like always.


Upload a link to your dance in a PDF document, and a screenshot of your social media post. Include your name (or team name), username, and school.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit all entries as PDFs; no Word or Pages documents.
  • Include the following content for your submission in one document:
    • Your answers to all questions asked in the challenge 
    • An image of any work that you’ve created 
    • A clear photo of each page of your Instagram post 
    • A link to your Instagram post 
    • Your name or team name, username, and the school you attend.
  • If you choose to answer a challenge question in the caption section of your Instagram post, we ask that you submit the written response separately in the PDF submission as either a separate document or a screenshot of the caption. 
  • Save file names using the following format:
    • firstname_lastname_challengeday_challengelevel_year.pdf (ex: kasie_jones_day30_greenest_2023.pdf) 
  • Do not include symbols (including #) or spaces in file names.
  • Do not upload a file larger than 5 MB.
  • You will see a confirmation in green that your submission was uploaded correctly; if you do not see this confirmation, please try again.
  • You can see your points by going to the edit profile tab on the bottom navigation bar. Your points are at the top of the page.
  • If your point total does not change, your submission did not upload correctly; please try again.
  • Send any questions to
  • Don’t forget to post about the challenge and your responses on social media and tag us on Instagram @TurningGreenOrg, Facebook @Turning Green, and use #PGC2023.
The deadline for entering this challenge has past.