Yash Joshi

Team Flauna Coenose,
Sophomore, Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Yash is a member of Team Flauna Coenose, a passionate group of BTech students from Jaipur, India. Members of this team are engineering majors who hold a collective vision of a greener, more equitable planet. Arnav’s innovative thinking has consistently pushed the boundaries of sustainability, encouraging them to explore creative solutions as a team. Yash’s unwavering commitment to eco-conscious practices remind his teammates that small actions can have large impacts. Vinit’s exceptional problem-solving skills enable the trio to turn ideas into actionable solutions. In their free time, Yash has a keen interest in sports, reading, and writing. Arnav Goyal is passionate about animation and graphics, while Vinit Kumar Sharma excels in writing poetry.

What are five words that describe your PGC experience?

Ecstasy, Bliss, Cognizance, Revolutionize, and Sustainable. 

What was the most memorable aspect of PGC 2023 for you?

It was the first time, we participated in an international competition so the thrill and the hunger to change the world to create a brighter future was the most memorable one. What struck to me the most was the collective passion and commitment of the participants. The PGC challenges inspired the people from different background, culture and country who shared a same purpose — addressing Climate Mitigation.

Climate Action Project: Swap2Save

“Swap2Save” is a project led by Yash Joshi with his team, Flauna Coenose. Yash is a dedicated advocate for sustainable fashion based in Jaipur, India. Their innovative approach tackles the detrimental impacts of fast fashion waste through a simple yet impactful principle: reusing. Yash’s project encourages people to pass on their old clothes to those in need, fostering a sense of community and addressing the pressing issue of waste production in the fast fashion industry. By fostering a culture of sharing, Swap2Save not only aids individuals but also contributes to the broader goal of reducing environmental harm caused by excessive clothing waste.

CAP Presentation Video: here